![]() ![]() Babytoy.html Babytoysearch.html Toy.html Toys.html For the last week, my husband Mel & I have been in California. We rented a U-Haul trailer to transport some cabinets to our house in Indio, CA. Everything went well on the way down. We left to return home Sunday at noon and put all of our stuff in the trailer so we would have more room in the car. Being the country bumpkins that we are, we didn't lock the trailer. We stopped in Santa Nella to eat dinner at Pea Soup Andersen's and spend the night at the Holiday Inn. While we slept, some %&$*#@^ #$$%&*@ stole all of our stuff! We lost all of our favorite clothes. We had winter and summer clothes. Mel lost some beautiful silk Tommy Bahama shirts I had given him for Christmas last year. I lost ALL of my shorts, best sweat shirts, cargo pants, etc. Sadly, we also lost t-shirts we bought at the Galapagos National Park (we will never return to replace them). Nothing was extremely valuable but they were all irreplaceable:( They also took our cooler with 10 pounds of organic turkey necks as well as 10 pounds of mixed ground dog food for the trip. Worst loss of all was my agility bag! I adored that bag. It was given to me by Julie Borst and had agility Poodles on it. Inside my treasured bag were all of Isabella's brushes, my favorite comb with swiveling teeth, their royal jeweled collars, my clickers, leashes, 1 pound of my favorite spice, zataar, I get in Ashland, Oregon and the greatest disaster of all, Millie's toy, Chippy, and Isabella's love of her life, her Baby Toy! I haven't told her Baby Toy is missing and don't know where to find another. We have a trial this weekend and I don't have her ultimate reward, BABY TOY! Isabella played in the sprinklers before we left so now she looks like Bob Marley and I don't even have a brush to fix her. I am so angry. I am grieving over the loss of my wonderful sweat shirts and familiar comfortable clothing and irreplaceable treasures. This has been a horrendous year for us. I realize this robbery isn't the end of the world and things could be a lot worse but after everything else that has happened to us this year, I just feel like I am being gummed to death by a duck:( Helen & The Violated Royal Naked And Hungry Jility Girls ![]() ![]() Chippy and even my favorite spice (zataar) were wonderful! There was even a generous offer for a t-shirt! I truly am touched by all of you wonderful people! The great news is that evidently, my husband packed the agility bag under a bunch of stuff in our car. He said he looked in the car for it but you know how men look for things (no offense to the men on the list!)! I should have looked myself. When we got home this evening, he unpacked the car and found my wonderful Poodle agility bag! It was so great to have it and its contents! Now Isabella has her Baby Toy, Millie has Chippy and I have my favorite bag and spice back! I still have no clothes:( I hate clothes shopping. I think I would like to rent a UHAUL and put food in the back that I lace with X-LAX! That would be great! We did report it to the police but I don't hold much hope:( We won't report it to the insurance company. After our disastrous broken faucet flood in March, we are lucky the insurance company didn't cancel us. I have heard that that practice isn't uncommon. I guess we just eat the loss of our stuff rather than risk losing our home owners insurance:( Helen & The We Are Sure Glad Dad Hid Our Toys So The Thieves Really Didn't Rip Off Baby Toy And Chippy But We Wish They Got Those Dang Brushes Royal Jility Girlz ![]() Well, I don't know what is going on but Isabella's Baby Toy is missing again! We had her at the trial in Bend last weekend and I went to train yesterday and couldn't find her. I searched again today and no Baby Toy!!! This is bad. I tried to get her to play with Chippy but she just looked at me with ?? in her eyes :( I went online to look for another and looked at every single plush toy I could find. No Baby Toy :(((( Here a link to her photo (she also grunted). If anyone has seen these toys or knows where I can find one, please, please, please let me know! I got the original at Petsmart. http://www.trainagility.com/Toys.html I think we must have left her at the trial last weekend. Helen & The One Very Sad Royal Jility Girlz ![]() By now, some of you may be thinking I am a crisis junkie. Well, quite honestly, I am beginning to think the same thing myself, especially after the year we have had! Baby Toy has been returned for ransom. Steve was right! I shouldn't have put up her photo on my website!!! Actually, somebody whose initials are Mel King, put her up on a hook in the hallway (sheepish grin) and we have walked by her hanging there for days!!! It stinks getting old :( So, if you see an exact match to Isabella's Baby Toy, please let me know. I would like to buy a couple extras to have when we go senile again. Thanks to everyone for your help!!! Isabella really appreciates it too. Helen & The Royal Jility Girlz ![]() ![]() forced to retire from the agility training ring. Her health had been failing for some time and she continually became disoriented and, consequently, would often get lost. Unfortunately, she also lost her voice from all of her yelling for help. We are pleased to announce that she was bred (yes, all testing was done and she passed everything with flying colors!) to a wonderful stud toy and recently gave birth to identical QUADRUPLETS!!!! We will be breeding her again to a stud toy of a different color and expect other colors in her next litter. We will keep you posted. Meanwhile, Isabella is in LOVE with the new Baby Toys which we have planned to keep for future generations. I will have to send their pedigree to Kathy Foran for scrutiny as I expect their COI to be quite high. We feel it is worth the risk, however, as the resulting Baby Toys are cookie cutter images of their near perfect dam. Evidently, it is Baby Toy's voice that was so fascinating to Isabella. She has a new interest in training now that Baby Toy is once again vocalizing her pleasure with grunts in being constantly bitten and chewed. If you go to http://www.trainagility.com/Babytoy.html you can see these amazing quadruplet's for yourself. Because they are so rare, if we do ever decide to sell a few, they will command a ridiculously high price tag! Helen & The Royal Jility Girlz And Baby Toyz www.trainagility.com PS We won't give up a pick Baby Toy for a stud fee either! RepliesPlease send me the directions on breeding Baby Toy's. I must try this myself. Ann Ann Addison Argenta Toy Poodles Columbia, South Carolina canicheaa@earthlink.net http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/9366 ![]() Helen The baby Baby Toys are adorable, but I can't stand it any more I gotta ask....................WHAT is the black rectangle in the crotch area? Lol Could we be put on the baby Baby Toy waiting list? This is really quiche's kind of toy! We would need two as i think Baby Toys should not be separated from their litter mates too early. Karen & quiche ttfn AnswerHI Karen,That is Baby Toy's umbilical bandage :) It's a tag! I think I am going to carry them on my website. I really love them and so does Isabella. She was so happy Baby Toy made noise again! Helen ![]() ROFLOL!!!! What a beautiful litter! I'm sure that Isabella is pleased with her breeding program, and will carefully socialize and train them. Perhaps you will bring them to PCA next year so we can all see them run agility! Caroline ![]() Dear Helen, So I'm shopping with Beth Harris and Patty Mouthrop in Pleasanton and all of the sudden Beth races towards a basket of toys at a vendor's booth - "THAT'S Baby Toy!" she exclaims with delight. The manufacturer should give you a job in marketing! A jog that involves going to as many agility trials as possible, putting you and the girlz in the most posh accommodations, and paying you scads of money.... I am, however, reminded of the characters in "Best in Show" with the Weimeraners... ;-) glad Isabella is once again being treated in the royal fashion she deserves! take care -- Lisa Greene, Josephine, and Flynn http://home.earthlink.net/~lisagreene/ ![]() Hi Helen, I loved the photo of the quads. Upon close scrutiny I noticed that you will be easily able to tell them apart by their markings. I actually saw one at Petsmart, here in the northern wastelands (Ottawa), and Baby Toy was green not red. Must be another blood line. ...or perhaps a geographic variation due to latitude, the length of days, amount of sunlight, etc.? Leslie, Pippin, (I'm 5 now, we had cake and presents!)Kelty AnswerWe will be breeding to the yellow stud toy next season. We will be expectingfuchsias, yellows and greens. I am not sure about how these colors are passed on. I am not sure anyone is at this time. We need a Baby Toy data base! It seems the two diseases most often found in BTs are permanent laryngitis and dementia which cause BT to wander off and get lost. Helen & The Girlz ![]() Helen Helen Helen -- You are a *case* ! I think we're going to have to cross the Rockies just to meet you ! However, if I remember correctly the "case of the missing Baby Toy" events of the last few weeks, I think you'll be lucky if someone doesn't bring suit against you and Mel on behalf of Baby Toy (for abuse). She was stuffed under the seat in a van and left outside subject to extreme temperatures and prey for kidnappers; then, she was hung on hook on the wall (medieval-style torture) for days on end. Now, she's being summarily "retired" which, I think at her age, might be a violation of some employment law. I mean, come on, let go because she has laryngitis and then immediately replaced by 4 younger employees ! ? That's classic corporate America tactic. I'm really disappointed because I thought you were so kind a symathetic. <G> If you would have told me about her condition, I could have sent you a few of the grunt voice boxes which you could have transplanted into BabyToy. No, they're not obtained illegally, I've "harvested" them from toys here which were killed in unfortunate accidents and saved them in case a transplant was needed. Sure, Helen, you can share [my post] with whomever you wish. Glad you and Mel got a laugh. Once Baby Toy's lawyers get through with you, you might not feel like laughing ! <G> To add insult to injury, I've just read the post that you intend to exploit the new BabyToys, too ! Yikes. This is distressing. How could I have been duped for so long ? K D&G ![]() Helen, Love the photo!! she passed everything with flying colors!) to a wonderful stud toy and recently gave birth to identical QUADRUPLETS!!!! We will be breeding her again to a stud toy of a different color and expect other colors in her next litter. We will keep you posted. So there is a fig leaf covering all the "parts". Did she have an all-bitch litter??? Names?? BT1 and BT2 ?? Don't keep us in suspense??? Deb Rillapudel@prodigy.net AnswerHi Deb,Those are not fig leaves, those are bandages to prevent umbilical hernias :) They are ALL named Baby Toy! Just like George Forman's sons who are all named George! Helen & The BTz & RJGz ![]() I was so sorry to hear about the illness and retirement of Baby Toy, after such an illustrious career in the agility ring. If Isabella is anything like Electra, you will have to do something which may be distasteful to you before introducing one of the quadruplets as a replacement. You may avert your head while you do this, and it will work even if it is not witnessed by you. You have to rub the retired Baby Toy against one of its offspring, to transfer the "essence" of Isabella from one to the other. While it may look like they are having sex, I can assure you that they are not. good luck with the transfer of power. I absolutely *loved* your post. Congratulations on your large toy "litter". I'm sure you can get a high price for them. Susan Susan Fleisher slf373@earthlink.net Berkeley, CA AnswerThanks for the advice Susan!Great news!!! Today we trained with the new and quite vocal Baby Toy! WOWOWOWOWOW!!!! The screaming, grunting Baby Toy mad a HUGE difference! I had an even BIGGER tiger on my hands. I know, some are thinking I started the new Baby Toy too young and she won't hold up. Well, tough. I plan to exploit the heck out of each and every Baby Toy, then breed the livin crap out of them! Helen & The Royal Jility Girlz ![]() Okay, Helen, I thought this might happen. I had planned to keep Baby Toy's plight private -- hoping to shame you and Mel into considering/re-considering your treatment of Baby Toy. Baby Toy really doesn't want to cause you ant trouble BUT now that you've 'leaked' her position (albeit with our blessing), we're already getting advice and offers of assistance. First, the abuse charge is an open-and-shut case. We have it 'on tape' in your own words that she was stuffed under the car seat and hung on a hook on the wall. Second, she has a "very strong" case for wrongful termination and age-discrimination, again based on your own words. Although her lawyers admit that they have not previously dealt with a case in which the newer-younger replacements were brought in because they "grunt better", they feel the case has as much merit as those where the replacements were more attractive. Finally, something which hadn't occurred to BT and me, is that she should be filing a worker's compensation claim because her laryngitis is a work-related injury which prevents her from doing her work. Of course, we'll have to look into disability benefits also. You know what happens when the press gets hold of something like this. We expect to be hearing from 60 Minutes, 48 Hours, Dateline ... Then we'll see if you and Mel are still laughing ! <G> I suppose we'll learn that Baby Toy, who gave you the best years of her life, has now been relegated to solitary confinement in a dark box or closet. Probably, she'll be left alone in Oregon when you take her quads with you to California. K D&G AnswerWell Kathy, this could get UGLY! Although true that BT gave us the best fewmonths of her life, she is a total ingrate! I bathed her, housed her and took her on long trips to see the world BUT... ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! NO VOICE! NO CHOICE! Baby Toy is OUTTA HERE! Last night, I placed her in a home with Isabella's niece (her human brother's daughter, Ede the Pit Bull aka Poopie Puppy)! So, now I suppose you and your bleeding heart liberal do gooders will want to get me for using her as bait for a Pit? PROVE IT! I bet there isn't a SHRED (no pun intended) of evidence left to prove ANYTHING! Before getting rid of (oops, I mean placing) BT, we froze her eggs for future exploitation! So HUH! Come and get us if you can! The worst that could happen would be AKC will suspend us from competition for a while. It's too darn cold anyway to go to agility trials right now. Take your best shot! Helen & The Royal Jility Girlz With LOTS And LOTS Of Baby Toys www.trainagility.com ![]() Please do not worry about the possibility of Baby Toy following through on any litigation against you. It has been my experience that in the final analysis DOGS do not want to take their people to court. Sison, a retired Seeing Eye Dog, lives with us and once during his active years leading a blind person, someone mentioned to him that he was not given fair working hours and time off. In fact, the WAGE AND HOUR (feds!) were notified and it was discovered that he had a solid case. However, ole Sis did not want to take his person through all of that and said that he FREELY gave his time. Even when he was called to duty in the middle of the night, worked every weekend and worked every holiday.....he said that he could catch naps at odd hours and that he did not SUFFER for lack of rest or care. Sis said that a 40 hour work week doesn't apply to Seeing Eye dogs and so maybe the rigors of being a Baby Toy are all part of the job description and are not open for scrutiny. Now I know that Sis is an exceptional dog....very discerning and reasonable.....but I do believe that it is because he is a dog that he forgave any and all infractions of the law. After all, Baby Toy, like Sison, would have to PRESS charges and it seems to me that she doesn't have enough weight to press anything. Be strong and don't worry. Sherry Darcy, 10 year old sp ("I would never take Mommy to court.") Sison, 12 year old Black Lab, retired Seeing Eye Dog ("Live and let live.....that's my motto") AnswerThank you Sherry. That is comforting.Besides, Baby Toy would have to find somebody who will to take her case on for free and I don't think that is going to happen IS IT KATHY (remember, I have a PIT BULL in the family!)! Helen & The Sweet Little Royal Jility Girlz ![]() I think we need to take up a collection to pay for Baby toy's legal fees! I'll start with $5.00! :-) Patti & Hershey AnswerHeck, for that much, I'll GIVE you BT (what's left of her:)!But, the whole thing is heating up on PSG! They are going to lynch me I am afraid! Helen & The Girlz ![]() How nice to see a bunch of list members being extremely silly.... Kathleen, you are being "silly", right?? Steve & Woola AnswerSteve,I think it's very "serious" now they must add "abandonment" and "mental cruelty" in additition to the age discrimination, injury on the job, disability, torture, inhumane (or is it intoy?) treatment. Not to mention the public humilition of being misplaced twice. Poor poor Baby Toy, now she's part of a toy mill!!!! Deb Rillapudel@prodigy.net ReplyJust try to PROVE IT!;) Helen ![]() Dear PSGers; I have laughed and laughed during the commentaries back and forth about Baby Toy! It is wonderful to see the creativity and just plain silliness with something so simple and doesn't include cursing or sex! It takes intelligence and wit to write such hilarious answers. I am looking for a smaller version for my TOY BABY, Ebony. Keep up the great work in all areas! Sincerely, Rena and lovely little Ebony ![]() PCLU (Poodle Civil LIberties Union) has been asked to take a case against Helen on behalf of Baby Toy. It seems that her Civil Liberties have been denied due process. After all - was she allowed to express her dismay on her treatment - I think not. A Guardian Ad Lietem (sp?) has been appointed for her. We need a psychiatrist to testify of the cruel and unusual treatment she received as well as her tender self estem at being replaced so quickly. ann Ann Addison Argenta Toy Poodles Columbia, South Carolina canicheaa@earthlink.net http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/9366 AnswerYou'll have to get Baby Toy away from the Pit Bull First!Here is a photo of the Pit Bull, Poopie Puppy. As you can see, she is already a jail bird and won't care if she gets busted again! http://trainagility.com/emailpoopiejailbird.jpg She's got you Guardian Ad Whatever right here! Helen & The Girlz The Toys And The Poopie ![]() This is great ad hominem stuff! I've been trying to muster up the energy, as promised, to present an example of the classic brake to ad hominem attack, which is (1) identification of the tactic and (2) cool dismissal thenceforward. Caroline said she was game--it was worth a try--and I hope she hasn't been holding her breath because I've been very remiss. Our reason for planning to put on this show was, although PSGers are evidently now able to recognize ad hominem attack (which wasn't the case when we started our demos--then, it seemed as if fully half of PSG had never served on their high school debate team and we know that's not true), a high proportion don't yet know the classic method of dealing with it (or we wouldn't have experienced the melee we did a few weeks ago, red herrings zipping around all over the place, and all the Pudelhunds in full cry in 100 different directions, mostly mistaken). Here's a short-cut: Well Kathy, this could get UGLY! Although true that BT gave us the best few months of her life, she is a total ingrate! I bathed her, housed her and took her on long trips to see the world BUT... ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! NO VOICE! NO COICE! Baby Toy is OUTTA HERE! Last night, I placed her in a home with Isabella's niece (her human brother's daughter, Ede the Pit Bull aka Poopie Puppy)! So, now I suppose you and your bleeding heart liberal do gooders will want to get me for using her as bait for a Pit? PROVE IT! I bet there isn't a SHRED (no pun intended) of evidence left to prove ANYTHING! Before getting rid of (oops, I mean placing) BT, we froze her eggs for future exploitation! So HUH! Come and get us if you can! The worst that could happen would be AKC will suspend us from competition for a while. It's too darn cold anyway to go to agility trials right now. Take your best shot! Helen & The Royal Jility Girlz With LOTS And LOTS Of Baby Toys www.trainagility.com Okay, Helen, I thought this might happen. I had planned to keep Baby Toy's plight private -- hoping to shame you and Mel into considering/re-considering your treatment of Baby Toy. Baby Toy really doesn't want to cause you ant trouble BUT now that you've 'leaked' her position (albeit with our blessing), we're already getting advice and offers of assistance. First, the abuse charge is an open-and-shut case. We have it 'on tape' in your own words that she was stuffed under the car seat and hung on a hook on the wall. Second, she has a "very strong" case for wrongful termination and age-discrimination, again based on your own words. Although her lawyers admit that they have not previously dealt with a case in which the newer-younger replacements were brought in because they "grunt better", they feel the case has as much merit as those where the replacements were more attractive. Finally, something which hadn't occurred to BT and me, is that she should be filing a worker's compensation claim because her laryngitis is a work-related injury which prevents her from doing her work. Of course, we'll have to look into disability benefits also. You know what happens when the press gets hold of something like this. We expect to be hearing from 60 Minutes, 48 Hours, Dateline ... Then we'll see if you and Mel are still laughing ! <G> I suppose we'll learn that Baby Toy, who gave you the best years of her life, has now been relegated to solitary confinement in a dark box or closet. Probably, she'll be left alone in Oregon when you take her quads with you to California. K D&G This is a far better ad hominemish exchange than any Caroline and I put forward over the years (uh... I hope you agree, Caroline). We hope it continues--it's witty, funny! Thank you, Kathy and Helen, for the fun! AND I'd like to point out that if either wishes to stop on a dime, even though neither has a leg to stand on when it comes to honest discussion, the classic way to do this is for one to identify that the other is indulging in ad hominem attack, and subsequently cease discussion--or coolly disregard. Of course, if I was the other, and had even one red blood cell floating in my veins, would remark that the first had ALSO indulged in ad hominem attack, and thenceforward turn up MY nose. The best defence is offence, said Napoleon, although from him that seems like a big fat excuse for invading Russia. In this case, the best defence is identification of the ad hominem tactic, and not to address ad hominem further. --Emily Poodle History Project (annotated bibliography) http://www.poodlehistory.org Answer<< This is a far better ad hominemish exchange than any Caroline and Iput forward over the years (uh... I hope you agree, Caroline). >> Absolutely!! And it is funny as all get out too. I have laughed until my sides hurt. (Emily, I have been so busy lately, that I had forgotten all about our proposed demonstration.....Now it has been done for us! <G> ) Caroline ![]() Oh, Pleeeease, Pleeeese don't let my poodles know about this! I have been keeping Baby Toy's plight away from them lest they take action against me for re-homing their favorite, Bunji-Toy. If they knew where Bunji-Toy was, I am sure they would encourage her to act; in spite of her being one-eared, no eyed, stinky, and wounded in the side with inadequate stitches that left a nasty scar. Of course, maybe she would sue Tigger, since it was Tig who chewed off, then swallowed whole, one of Bunji-Toy's ears to keep the other poos from getting it. And as these things go, if the poos find out the PCLU exists, not only will I have to deal with problems over Bunji-Toy, I will have to deal with all sorts of other complaints; the lack of a sufficient supply of treats; the need to go outside to potty when it is raining, since we humans don't; the lack of 24 hour petting and stroking servies; and most of all, why there are never enough tennis balls and frisbees to go around. Baby Toy, see what you have started! Irma AnswerBut Irma, did you get frozen eggs before "placing" Bunji-Toy? That's ALLthat counts! EXPLOIT EXPLOIT EXPLOIT! And proud of it! Helen & The Exploited Everythings Reply to answerI didn't get frozen eggs, but I have some "hairs" I can use forDNA.....That way we can try cloning. Irma AnswerI should have thought about that!Helen & The Girlie Girlz More from IrmaNow, be careful about this; I don't want to end up being a materialwitness! Kathryn, you did not see this post, OK? Irma ![]() Ann ~ Since her name is Baby Toy, I am assuming she is a minor. While I am not a psychiatrist, I am a professional social worker with experience and training in child welfare, particularly in matters of neglect and abuse. I will be happy to interview Baby Toy (we may need an ASL interpreter, since I understand that Baby Toy is no longer able to vocalize), conduct an investigation of her home of origin, and prepare a study of her prospective adoptive home. While this won't help much with PCLU's case (they deal with Constitutional issues, I believe), it will certainly be useful for any abuse/neglect hearing held to determine whether it is in Baby Toy's best interest to have Helen's custody of her legally terminated. I note that Helen has not been terribly concerned about the possibility of legal proceedings related to her care and custody of Baby Toy. She apparently doesn't understand that if her home is found unfit for Baby Toy, it is likely that it will also be found unfit for Baby Toy's infant quadruplets. (Chew on *that*, Helen!) Kathryn Foran WINDFALL kafor@snip.net http://www.geocities.com/windfallsp/ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AgilityPoodle AnswerYeah but did you do her COI? How am I gonna make a killing without knowingher COI? Helen & The You'll NEVER Get My Baby Toy Away From Me Royal Jility Girlz Reply to answerHelen ~I will be adding your query, which demonstrates your interest in exploiting Baby Toy, to your file. (Boy, are *you* gettin' in trouble!) Kathryn Foran WINDFALL kafor@snip.net http://www.geocities.com/windfallsp/ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AgilityPoodle ![]() ROFLOLWMP!!! It's all about You, isn't it Helen? that poor baby toy :( AnswerALWAYS!!!![]() Well, I for one, have been emotionally traumatized by the whole thing. I would like a couple million for my pain and suffering. AnswerWell, when I make billions selling BT's offspring, take a number and standin line! Helen & The Exploited Everythings ![]() Ladies and Gentlemen: Quiche & I would like to offer Bunji-Toy a trip to "Momma's Poodle Toy Hospital". As this qualifies as a humanitarian situation, all services will be provided free of charge to Bunji-Toy and her family. Our staff is Board Certified in Poodle Toy Repairs and has successfully treated Bearaplegic, Steggie's Tail, Bunny Ears and performed microsurgery and re-attached Jingle Duck's bell. The llama's screamer was replaced and Singing Bear now plays "Mary Had A Little Lamb" Please note that body appendages retrieved from Poodle butts cannot be saved. Please contact our Scheduling Momma for an appointment. Karen & Quiche ttfn AnswerDear Karen,Now that is very generous of you. But.... If you repair them, how on earth am I going to make billions EXPLOITING AND SELLING them???? Geesh! DO GOODER!!! Helen & The Can We Ship All Of Our Dissected Toyz Too Cause Our Mom Is Mean And Stupid And Won't Fix Them Royal Jility Girlz ![]() I have been out job hunting...and every day I come back home to hear how the law suit is going!!! HeHeHoHo!! This whole thread is adorable, funny and inventive!! Thanks for the cheering up! Betty and the Dejavus ===== Betty Nathanson Dejavu Standard Poodles Warrenton, VA 20187 540-351-0777 ![]() >I note that Helen has not been terribly concerned about the possibility of >legal proceedings related to her care and custody of Baby Toy. She >apparently doesn't understand that if her home is found unfit for Baby Toy, >it is likely that it will also be found unfit for Baby Toy's infant >quadruplets. (Chew on *that*, Helen!)> Helen can't respond. Her mouth is full. Susan -- Susan Fleisher slf373@earthlink.net Berkeley, CA AnswerOH! I GET IT SUSAN!!! It took me a while, "chew on that"..."mouth full." Iassume that is what you meant. I have been feeling guilty about NOT staying on my diet and I thought you had a webcam or something watching me stuff my face with pesto toast! Helen & The Girlz & Toyz & Stuff ResponseHelen,Please send recipe for pesto toast! Charolett AnswerBuy bread, put it in the toaster to toast, take out the tub of pesto youbought at the supermarket, when toast is done, spread pesto on toast, then eat toast while dogs drool. Helen & The Our Mom Is Selfish With ALL Her Food And Never Shares Royal Jility Girlz ResponseHey, I might be able to make this one!! What do you use to spread the pesto?Mark "Slightly more generous than Helen with food" Feldman Babette "Last weekend I snagged a piece of toast out of my Grandma's hand when she wasn't looking... it was really funny when she tried to take a bite of air!!" CD MX MXJ AnswerA Spoon of course!Helen & the Drooling Doggies ResponseHelen,sounds yummy! wonder if a slice of provolone on top and baked a minute or 2 in the oven would have the royal poos drooling and doing every trick they know to get a slice! I shall experiment with that tonight...Oh NO! Now PETA will be called because I am guilty of testing on animals. Shhhhhh. Charolett and the poos ![]() You just take a lesson from Ty Warner, Beanie Baby Magnet and Market Manipulator Extraordinair. Keep your supply controlled and low. Use medival threats and restrictions on your distributors. Appeal to a market with no self control, such as small children or sufferers of MPS. And BINGO, you're rich! Also tell the media that any Baby Toy that is actually used for its intended purpose is tainted and therefore valueless. Thus owners must have one to "SAVE" and one to play with and you're sold TWO!! Karen & Quiche (i have my own beanies, but i can't play with momma's) ttfn AnswerGREAT ADVICE Karen! Thanks!!!Helen The Hoarder & The My New Baby Toy Is All Dirty Already Cause My Idiot Mom Keeps Throwing Her In The Dirt When We Train Royal Jility Girlz ![]() I am sorry to say that I have just learned of more dirt on Helen...It seems poor Isabella is the cover girl (Miss May 2002) on the on-line calendar and she's NEKID....what next...those poor, poor baby toys... Nancy and Rocco who thought Isabella was HOT! (but the poor guy is neutered...) AnswerAll the boys think Isabella is HOT HOT HOT! It doesn't matter if they aretutored or not! Sometimes, we have to leave the dog parks because she is being stalked by some pervert dog! I am dead serious too ( yeah, hard to believe but sometimes I do get serious). I don't know what it is! She has been spayed since a wee pup, no infections, no odors, she is just irresistible I guess. I think she has that aura of STARDOM! Isn't that calendar terrific!!?!?!? Kelly does a wonderful job putting it all together. Thanks Kelly! Helen & The Dirty Girlz ![]() Karen, do you think the Momma's Poodle Toy Hospital can also do an ear transplant? After we fed Tigger enough salt to make her vomit the ear, it was so yucky, we "humanely" disposed of it. The ear, that is, not Tigger. By the way, there is an Angel-Toy in residence that needs to be rehomed. It seems that none of the resident poodles like the sound of the carol she plays, and she sits, neglected, in the bottom of the cage......watching all the others being taken out for their exercise and play periods. What a sad, sad sight...... Irma ReplyIrmaI am sure that Momma's Poodle Toy Hospital can do something positive for an ear transplant. Our surgeons would need to know if the ear should match or contrast and any other vital details. We would also be interested in providing a forever home for the singing Angel Toy. Our resident Exercise Director never met a sound she didn't like. We accept Blue Poodle/Blue Shield, American Poodle Insurance, MetPoodle and all PPOs (Purely Poodle Organizations) Our Appointment Momma is at your service. Karen & Quiche (throw this!) ttfn ![]() Ann...you might be able to get a transplant from one of the "puppies" and help poor BT.......? Betty and the Dejavus --- Ann Addison <canicheaa@earthlink.net> wrote: > The saga of BT has been as much fun as we had very long ago on > the rescue > caper. How many of you remember the rescue caper. > > Cookie Man.......I think Helen needs cookies for starting this > thread. She > will, of course, have to promise to rescue BT from the pit > bull she sent her > to and restore her to health. I am an expert on transplants > (many of you > remember my husband had a heart transplant) I do have > antirejection > medications around that I can send to BT if needed. Of course > we need a > perfect 'match'. Someone has already offered to provide the > transplant if > it matches BT's system. > > If necessary I can give IV's - I've had practice in that too > even though I'm > not a nurse. > > Beasley, Tillie, Max, Maggie and Sally Sue send their love to > Baby Toy. > > ann > Ann Addison > Argenta Toy Poodles > Columbia, South Carolina > canicheaa@earthlink.net > http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/9366 ![]() ![]() retaliation but.... It seems Baby Toy could no longer take the abuse from Ede Peety Poopie Puppy, Isabella's Pit Bull niece where Baby Toy was dumped, I mean placed. Evidently, she suffered a severe Pit Bull attack and stole away in the night! She was last seen at Seattle's Pike Place Market, a favorite hangout for beggars and homeless. Somebody snapped this photo today. http://www.trainagility.com/Babytoysearch.html That toy has not one shred of class in her overstuffed and slightly damaged body!!! Good riddance! She was damaged goods anyway!!! Helen & The Royal Jility Girlz www.trainagility.com Replies Well, it looks like we're going to need crutches and an artificial leg for BT. Caroline you are the expert on crutches so please send advice for BT/ amm Ann Addison Argenta Toy Poodles Columbia, South Carolina canicheaa@earthlink.net http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/9366 AnswerAnd a few stitches I fear. Did you notice BT's arm? It is hanging by a thread. She probably wouldn't go to the hospital for fear of being brought back to Ede Peety Poopie Puppy! Now I suppose she is going to want plastic surgery on the scars! Will it EVER end!!!!??? Oh woes me! Helen & The Girlz ReplyI never want to have anything to do with crutches again! I suggest thatBaby toy find a free medical clinic, and then apply for Medicaid. They will pay for an artificial leg, and all necessary physical therapy. She may also be eligible for job training with the state Department of Vocational Rehabilitation. Caroline AnswerSo Caroline is that your final IMO?I think we should start up a collection account for Baby Toy. I will be the trustee! So, just send the money to me. Nothing smaller than $100s please! Helen & The Girlz ![]() You are sooooo baaaad!!! For shame!!! Betty and the daarling complete Dejavu gang ![]() --- BowEchoDogs <Simon@BowEcho.com> wrote: > ROFLOL > I spit my coffee on this one!!! > > > > > However, I hope we've all learned that Helen is a person not > to be toyed > > with ! > > > > Kathy ![]() ![]() drinking coffee when I read it! Betty sheesh, Helen. there's bad mothers, and then there's bad mothers. That poor baby is in need of medical attention; she's nearly lost her leg because of your neglect. Is there some sort of Toy-Runaway hotline she might call? If that were MY toy, I would be down there with the vagrants, looking for her, not home on the computer gloating. hrrrrmph. > Evidently, she suffered a severe Pit Bull attack and stole away in the > night! > Good riddance! She was damaged goods anyway!!! > Helen & The Royal Jility Girlz Answer![]() me before, what good will she be now that she has only one leg and one arm is nearly gone? Besides, she's probably gone and gotten herself pregnant to some mutt anyway and I couldn't get a nickel for mutt puppies! UNLESSSSSS?????? RARE, NEVER BEFORE SEEN, NEW BREED!!!! Wait, perhaps I should go find her! I can just see those $$$$$$$$. Helen & The Royal Jility Girlz & Toyz & Stuff & $$$$$$$$ ![]() the pit bull to the nearest police department. They probably have a Victim's Assistance volunteer who can help her recover from the trauma, and see that justice is done. Caroline I fear that Baby Toy has run away and is probably living on the streets of Seattle. I do hope she is not so desperate that she tries to sell her poor, abused body for licentious purposes! There must be a television show that deals with this. Alice ReplyMy guess is that she's already booked for The Jerry Springer Show. Sounds like it's gonna be a real tear-jerker, too. Sue Ross Renaissance Miniature Poodles Waverly, Indiana AnswerIf BT decides to sell her torn and tattered body, I will be there to be herpimp! SHE OWES ME BIG TIME!!! Helen & The Girlz ![]() Sorry to rain on your parade, but I think that the photo has been retouched or otherwise manipulated. I don't believe that we can accept it as evidence. It's impossible to know what or whom to believe, now. Events are moving too quickly and the cruelty and indifference of BT's original (birth?) mother are overwhelming and tragic. Susan -- Susan Fleisher slf373@earthlink.net Berkeley, CA Answer I don't think so Susan. Didn't you see that the Will Work for Cookies sign she was holding was all runny from the Seattle rain? Who knows where BT will show up next! Helen & The RJGs & BTs & $$$$$ ![]() Hey, BT sounds like a great candidate for Karen Korab's Momma's Poodle Toy Hospital. She takes all the necessary insurance coverages, including all PPO's (Purely Poodle Organizations). And once she receives all the necessary medical attention, perhaps she could co-author a "Mommy, Dearest" type of book about her life with Helen. Imagine - it might make the NY Times book list, or even be on Oprah. Irma AnswerWhat will I get out of the book?Helen & The RJGs & BTs & $$$$$ ![]() Poor Bunji-Toy is in our thoughts and prayers, please keep us informed of her condition Karen & Quiche ttfn ![]() The bad news is that we have now found out that Bunji-Toy has developed pneumonia, due to neglectfully being locked out of the house in the rain for the last two days and nights. We found her late this afternoon, huddled in a pile of wet leaves; wet, cold, and depressed. We think Tigger is responsible once again; she was standing over the pile of leaves daring the other two minis and the standard to come near her. She is probably too sick at this point to survive the trip to Momma's Poodle Toy Hospital; What a mess she is! Irma AnswerOh WAAAAAA.Send her to Ede Peety Poopie Puppy, that'll fix her fakin crybaby toy wagon! Helen & The RJGs & BTs & $$$$$ ReplyHelen just hasn't been the same since that house fell on her sister.:-p AnswerYou know, I can just FEEL the love!!! This is so great! It is just like itwas growing up in a family of 6 who all hated the other guy cause they might get more attention! Shrinks say we create what we had as children because that is love to us. I gotta tell you, keep taking your best shots cause the more you throw, the more loved I feel! Helen & The Our Mom Is A Sicko Whacko Royal Jility Girlz ![]() Hey Helen! I can help you sell them! We can get sympathy by telling people that they are all rescues and we can charge them big bucks and then tell them they can make more big bucks by breeding them!!! What do you think? Do you want a partner or do you want all the money for yourself ?!?! Sande ;o)))) HeHeHeHe!!! AnswerWhat do you think Sande? I want ALL the $$$$ for myself!Thanks anyway! Good idea though!!! Thanks. Helen & The RJGs & BTs & $$$$$ ![]() OH, I forgot, with this information on pit bulls we need to get that breed banned so that it can never hurt a baby poodle toy again. Should we go to the AKC and get them to recind all registrations for pit bulls so people will stop breeding them. ann Ann Addison Argenta Toy Poodles Columbia, South Carolina canicheaa@earthlink.net http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/9366 Answer POOR POOPIE PUPPY! She was just doin what comes naturally! Helen & The RJGs & TOYs & $$$$ ![]() Baby Toy has been invited to go on the Dr. Phil show. It is called "TOYS WHO LOSE THEIR JOBS AND THE PIT BULLS WHO GET THEM AFTERWARDS" CA-CHING! CA-CHING! CA-CHING! Helen & The RJGs & BT ![]() Helen I have a stud-toy that you can borrow for a toy-back, a stud fee, and my pick of your first five litters. He's not EXACTLY the same breed as the BT babies, but as you know, those "rare" exotics are worth a bundle. We can breed him to all of your BTs babies and make a killing. Then you can just breed the offspring to one another, and you'll have the Toy that laid the golden egg, so to speak. AnswerWell, thank you for the offer but I ONLY breed to my own line! I don'tbelieve in outcrossing. Besides, I would NEVER give up pick toy!!! Nice try though. Helen & The RJGs & BTs & $$$$$ ![]() Even more overwhelming and tragic is that all you people are blinded to the reality of this SHAM!. You are ALL out of control! Can't you see this nothing but a cheap, attention-getting ploy? The hoax of some sicko degenerate (helen?) playing on your sympathies for a broken toy. Shame on you all for trying to involve the PCLU in this nonsense. don't you think they've got better things to do? Whoever said that would be opening a whole other can of poodle worms was right. DON'T DO IT. And to those who are trying to profit off such selfless agencies as BluePoodle/Blue Shield, API (American Poodle Insurance), Met Poodle, etc., shame shame double and triple shame! Stop tarnishing the poor pit bull's good name. BT's red face is enough to anger anyone. Wake Up! This is a sham! Susan Fleisher is on the right track to point out that the photos aren't even real. Next thing you know we'll be receiving a ransom note and a plea for money. GRAB AHOLD OF YOURSELVES! DON'T BE A VICTIM. gilda, taz & fluffy p.s. What i want to know is who's payroll is the jility girls' mom on? Answer First of all GILDA, there is nothing CHEAP about this attention getting ploy! I expect to cash in BIG TIME! Secondly, thanks, I hadn't thought of a ransom note! Yeah, that's the ticket! CA-CHING, CA- CHING, CA-CHING!!!! Does Witness Protection Program mean anything to you GILDA? Be careful what you say. Don't you watch "The Sopranos?" Helen & The RJGs & BTs & $$$$$ ![]() juvenile here my nefarious duo will make sure she never street walks again! They are very sad over the loss of their many fuzzy companions who have been, shall we say, transplanted all over the house? They are glad to punish BT for any naughty habits she has picked up on the streets and one has a raging case of hormones if BT is so inclined! An AnswerShe should be called Cry Baby Toy!It is about time somebody realized how EVIL Baby Toy has become! If I ever get my hands on her, I will brand a large E on her forehead! She is nothing but a crybaby HUSSY! Helen & The Girlz ![]() Helen I will sugest to tie your baby toys to Isabellas neck so we dont have more escapes, Bitlit. Answerplay with her all the time, the shiny would wear off and BT would lose herpunch. It is all about EXPLOITATION!!! Helen ReplyI thought you bought 4 didn I hear abou quardruplets? stick them in abasket, and put a lock on it,,then take one out at the time and when not in use between traveling from one show to the other ,since tiying it arround Isabellas neck dont work tie it arround your own,,it will make an interesting neckless ,Bitlit. you could also kill them all and start to give Isabella treats enstead BG. Bitlit. ReplyLocking up Baby Toys may bring the department of social services into yourhome. ann Ann Addison Argenta Toy Poodles Columbia, South Carolina canicheaa@earthlink.net http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/9366 AnswerExcellent ideas Bitlit! I will give them great consideration.I didn't buy them BTW, I bred them! Helen & The Girlz & Toyz & Eggs ![]() You realize, "guys", that new people on this list (newer than me, even) are going to think we're all crazy as loons. LOL Cassie ReplyLOL not just new commers either! I have been very busy at work for the lastweek, I could not read the whole backlog so I just started w/today...Well the first one I read was about Bungy-baby toy being locked out in the rain...It took me 30 seconds to realize this was not a little toy dog but a little dog toy Boy ...you guys can be a little strange LOL Andrea Jack Black SP Eddie Cream SP Pup ![]() You didn't keep your promise to breed Baby Toy to a different color stud. You put her out to pasture. Shame on You. Now she is homeless and having to fend for herself. ann Ann Addison Argenta Toy Poodles Columbia, South Carolina canicheaa@earthlink.net http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/9366 AnswerWell, I harvested eggs before I placed her! I have GADS and GOBS of eggs!!!!Enough eggs to go around the world a billion times! I gave her an Italian fertility drug! I have five hundred thousand million hundred billion three Hundred and thirty -five trillion and twenty-five eggs! How many is that Bob? A LOT huh? CA-CHING, CA-CHING, CA-CHING!!!!! Helen & The Eggs ![]() Steve, I have heard that Baby Toy is now on the LAM...last seen headed East. Everyone should keep their eyes open for sightings...I heard she was on the back of a motor cycle... Poor, poor Baby Toy... Nancy and Rocco the wonder pup To be continued&&.
Ann Addison wrote: Answer
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